

Organization - GCCEI


The core of Creative Economy is

To secure national competitiveness by fostering innovative startups which correspond to the 4th Industrial Revolution

  • Creative Economy

CCEI, Center for Creative Economy & Innovation

is taking charge of the front line in startup support of the Ministry of SMEs and Startups. So as for the national 19 centers to perform as startup support hub in each of its local governments

  • Each of 19 CCEIs is matched with its physically located province and major company in accordance with its locally specialized industry

  • Plan and operate projects for vitalizing regional startup ecosystem and helping them to scale up

GCCEI, Gyeonggi Center for Creative Economy & Innovation

Locating in Pangyo of Gyeonggi Province where the biggest economy in south korea, GCCEI is

  • vitalizing startup ecosystem within Pangyo of Gyeonggi province,

  • operating open innovation which commercialize startup technology by applying to major companies’ BM,

  • raising funds and executing in-house investment as the accelerator through the cooperation with the Ministry of SMEs and Startups Gyeonggi Province - KT

Organization Overview

Startup Incubation within Pangyo Techno Valley

Acceleration Programs

Leadership (Main Staff, GCCEI)

Startup Growth Division, GCCEI


VP KT (Korea Telecom)

Ph.D. Optical Communication.

Sungkyunkwan Univ.
Steategic Business Division, GCCEI

Global Office Director KT (India)

Business Developer, Solution Business Division
former Director, Innovation Support Division, GCCEI

BI Architect, Construction Engineer
Startup-zone Team, GCCEI

Team Leader KT (Korea Telecom)

Strategy Developer, KT SCM Strategy Team

MA Global Entrepreneurdhip, Dankuk Univ.