Academy - Introduction C-Innovacion Platform Peru ICT Organization Academy Board Introduction UCSM UCSP UNALM UNI UNMSM UNSA UNT UDEP UNHEVAL home > Academy > Introduction Introduction Universidad Católica de Santa María is located in the city of Arequipa and was founded in 1961. It has 33 professional careers, of which 22 are accredited for their educational quality nationally and internationally. Universidad Catolica San Pablo (UCSP) is an academic community animated by the orientations and life of the Catholic Church which, in the light of faith and with the effort of reason, seeks the truth and promotes the integral formation of the human being through activities such as research, teaching, and extension, to contribute to the configuration of culture according to the identity and deployment of the person as a human being. The Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina (UNALM) is a center of academic excellence, leading the research in agricultural and environmental matters. Offers twelve (12) undergraduate majors, and postgraduate programs divided in: seven (7) doctorate programs and twenty six (26) master programs, aimed at training graduates and researchers to promote the highest level of scientific knowledge. The National Engineering University is an educational institution which was founded in 1876 by the Polish engineer Eduardo de Habich, with the name of the Special School of Civil Construction and Mines of Peru, traditionally known as the School of Engineering and turned into a university in 1955 at the NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF ENGINEERING (UNI). Today it is the first and main training center for engineers, architects and scientists in our country. Founded on May 12, 1551, it is recognized as the most important public university in Peru. It has 30 thousand students in 65 professional programs, it has the largest number of researchers qualified by CONCYTEC. Universidad Nacional de San Agustin de Arequipa (UNSA) is a Peruvian public university that was founded on November 11, 1828, in Arequipa city. Offer 245 academic programs for undergraduate, master's, doctoral, and second-specialty students. Since August 2018, UNSA received the Resolution of Institutional Licensing for 10 years from the National Entity of Higher Education (SUNEDU), Peru. The National University of Trujillo (UNT) has accompanied events in Trujillo since the beginnings of the Republican era. Its founders settled in our region to form the liberating army that would give the Independence of our beloved homeland. University of Piura (UDEP) is a private institution. It is also an important institution, reference in higher education. It was founded in Piura on April 7, 1969. It was an initiative of St. Josemaría Escrivá de Balaguer and Piura's community. The Hermilio Valdizan Nationality University of Huanuco, created by Law No 14915 of february 21, 1964, has 57 years of institutional life. It has an institutional operating license granted by the National Superintendency of Education - SUNEDU in 2019.
C-Innovacion Platform Peru ICT Organization Academy Board Introduction UCSM UCSP UNALM UNI UNMSM UNSA UNT UDEP UNHEVAL