

Academy - UCSM


Universidad Católica de Santa María is located in the city of Arequipa and was founded in 1961. It has 33 professional careers, of which 22 are accredited for their educational quality nationally and internationally. Its vision is "To be recognized for its academic excellence, for its relevant and pertinent scientific development, for the formation of competent and socially responsible people in their area of action."

The Vice Rectorate for Research of the university promotes entrepreneurship in the production of scientific and technological knowledge, as well as innovation prioritizing the added value for the megadiversity of the Southern Macroregion, through the management of basic and applied research projects, disciplinary and interdisciplinary with an emphasis on design, establishing various forms of cooperation with the productive sector, the State, disadvantaged populations and science and technology networks for funding, implementation, and dissemination, promoting the development of society.

The area of entrepreneurship is supported by the Business Incubator INNICIA, which has the function of promoting in the undergraduate and graduate students of UCSM and the regional population, a culture of entrepreneurship and technological innovation to materialize their business ideas and business projects in new companies, achieving to establish various forms of cooperation with the productive sector, business and the State for the improvement of our region. Through our work model (pre-incubation, incubation, and acceleration), we have been able to bring ventures to the market and at the same time be winners of various national and international competitions.

We also support the Equipu Inter-University Network that allows us to channel initiatives and search for ideas within the university community while promoting entrepreneurship and research among our students through interest groups related to science, technology, and innovation. Our branch, E-quipu Santa Maria, supports university students' collective initiatives so that they come to fruition and develop. We are promoting the generation of knowledge through the management of ideas to multidisciplinary projects of research, innovation, entrepreneurship, and cultural expressions, achieving the establishment of various forms of cooperation with the productive and business sector and the State to improve our region.

E-quipu Santa Maria is made up of people from the university community who are very committed and closely related, and updated with the academic activities and cultural expressions of students, graduates, and teachers; led by a Coordinator who, under the guidance of the Chief, is dedicated to keeping the system running.


Organization chart
