Universidad Católica San Pablo (UCSP)
Historical review
The Universidad Católica San Pablo receives the provisional authorization of operation on January 10, 1997, through Resolution 190-97-CONAFU. That year, the then Universidad San Pablo offered to society the Professional Schools of Business Administration and Accounting. For the year 1999, the Professional School of Computer Engineering was created, thus increasing the educational offer and the possibility of contributing to the training of engineers of high professional and human capacity in this field of knowledge.
On November 15, 1999, San Pablo University receives the blessing of being recognized by the Church as a Catholic university, through Archbishop Decree no. 091-C-ARZ. Thus, this house of studies takes the name of Universidad Católica San Pablo.
In 2003, the Professional School of Telecommunications Engineering was opened. In 2004, the Professional Schools of Industrial Engineering and Law were added, while in 2005 the Professional School of Psychology was created. Finally, in 2007, the Professional School of Educationwascreatedwiththespecialties of Initial and Primary.
In the ordinary session of September 12, 2003, the National Council for the Authorization of the Operation of Universities (Conafu) unanimously agreed to authorize the definitive operation of the university and grant it full autonomy according to Peruvian legislation. This unanimous decision by Conafu was embodied in Resolution No. 184-2003-CONAFU, of September 23, 2003, and thus the Universidad Catolica San Pablo became the first university outside of Lima to be accredited by Conafu..
In 2006, UCSP changed its career from Computer Engineering to Computer Science, according to international standards. Thecurriculumwaschanged in itsentiretyfortheComputerScienceprofile in accordancewiththe ACM / IEEE standard.
In 2013, the Universidad Católica San Pablo launchedthe Civil Engineeringdegree, meetingthedemandforprofessionals in thisfield in Arequipa and the country.
In October 2017, the National Superintendency of Higher University Education (Sunedu), through Resolution No. 042-2017-SUNEDU / CD, after a long process, granted the operating license to UCSP, which ensures that the university offers the educational service complying with the eight basic quality conditions required by university law. Thus, the San Pablo Catholic University becomes the first private university in the south of the country to obtain this recognition.
Likewise, Sunedu approved three new careers at UCSP through the resolution published in the newspaper El Peruano on December 31, 2019. These careers are Architecture and Urbanism, Mechatronic Engineering and Environmental Engineering. This resolution also authorized six master's degrees and a second specialty at the Universidad Catolica San Pablo.
In 2018 UCSP takes a turn in its organization, fulfilling its identity. Comprehensive teaching, research and the service and projection to society that the Universidad Catolica San Pablo promotes, are now activities that, thanks to the creation of departments, are integrated within a particular discipline to improve the joint work of the academic community . The organization by departments creates new synergies and allows the academic community to continue working for the good of people and the search for the truth around an area of knowledge to transmit it to society.
The Universidad Católica San Pablo (UCSP)is an academic community animated by the orientations and life of the Catholic Church that, in the light of faith and with the effort of reason, seeks the truth and promotes the integral formation of the person through activities such as research, teaching and extension, to contribute to the configuration of culture according to the identity and deployment of the human being.
"We will be a mature Catholic university in its identity, consolidated as a community, passionate about the search for truth, with a comprehensive training model of high academic level and a protagonist of the development of the region and the country."
The Research Directorate of the Universidad Católica San Pablo
The Research Directorate of the Universidad Católica San PabloIt is the body in charge of guiding, promoting, coordinating and supervising the research activity. Research is an essential and compulsory activity of the University; encourages all its academic units, their dynamics and tasks from an ethical perspective and a search for the truth, seeking to promote the integral well-being of society.Es la unidad orgánica transversal, con competencia en los aspectos de investigación en todos los departamentos académicos, que orienta, promueve, coordina y supervisa la investigación como actividad esencial y obligatoria de la universidad, a través de las diversas unidades académicas o administrativas y de los diversos dinamismos que genera la actividad de la investigación.
Office of Research Projects and Technological Transfer (OPTI)
It is an office dependent on the Research Directorate that is responsible for promoting and supporting the formulation of research projects, in the same way it contributes with the advice, monitoring and control of research, development and innovation projects (R + D + i ), both with external and internal financing, from the different academic units of the UCSP. In addition, it is in charge of the Transfer of Research, ensuring intellectual property. In this way, the Projects and Research Transfer Office (OPTI) provides support to academic units in the formulation of projects, becoming an office specialized in the monitoring and control of projects. Likewise, the OPTI facilitates the transfer of new knowledge generated in our university to companies and society in general, generating positive economic and social effects with the common good in mind. Consolidating the OPTI in an office that takes an interlocutor role between society, the university and the Peruvian state.
Research projects
The UCSP has 30 research projects financed with external funds in the process of execution with more than 17 million soles financed.
In this effort, our university has 05 patent applications filed with Indecopi and one of them was granted to us, in this way our university is the first in the South of our country that has an invention patent registered with Indecopi in 2019.
The Kaman Incubator
The Kaman Incubator since 2015 has developed various training programs for entrepreneurs with the aim of promoting the culture of entrepreneurship both at the University and in Arequipa, in the last 3 years the following programs have been carried out:
Innovative Entrepreneurship Program (PEI):
This program is developed once a year, meaning 3 editions between 2018 and 2020, in which potential entrepreneurs are trained in the use of innovation and entrepreneurship tools such as Lean Startup, Design Thinking, Business Model Canvas, I- Corps, among others. In the entrepreneurship program, participants develop their business idea with the help of mentors in a pre-incubation process. Starting in 2021, two editions of the PEI will be held per year, one focused on pre-incubation projects and the other focused on incubation projects.
Specialization and Development Program (PED) in Innovation and Entrepreneurship:
Focused on professionals who seek to have a greater knowledge in Innovation and Entrepreneurship to be applied in companies and new lines of business, the PED provides participants, in a practical way, the appropriate current knowledge and tools to develop powerful innovation skills focused on people for the benefit of the companies in which they currently work and the future projects that they wish to develop.
“Kaman Workshop” and “Kaman Training Class”
These talks and workshops seek to sensitize the population and bring specific knowledge closer to strengthening the Entrepreneurship and Innovation ecosystem. An edition of each of these activities is carried out per month.
Hult Prize at UCSP
This competition designed by the University of Hult and the United Nations aims to develop innovative solutions to global problems with teams made up of university students from around the world and a prize of $ 1 million to the winner.
Entrepreneurshipprograms in conjunctionwith Hanns-Seidel-Stiftung and UNHCR
The Entrepreneurship Program for the Peru-Venezuela Integration (PEIPV) carried out in collaboration with the German organization Hanns-Seidel-Stiftung and the Innovative Entrepreneurship Program for Refugees and Migrants (PEIREM), carried out in cooperation with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) aim to promote innovative entrepreneurship and the development of business skills of teams made up of mainly Peruvian and Venezuelan nationalities, so that sustainable development opportunities are generated through the execution of productive business projects under the guidance of a team of expert professionals.
Hackathons and Innovation Challenges
The Kaman incubator co-organizes open innovation programs that seek to solve social, public or private institutional challenges through innovative solutions proposed by multidisciplinary teams. Two editions of the “Retoinnova BCP” have been held with Banco de Creditodel Peru, one of the largest financial institutions in the country, in which ideas seeking to solve some of its institutional problems were prototyped. On the other hand, social innovation contests have also been held such as the Social Innovation Challenge, the "Ideaton for Arequipa" and the Hackathon "Together we will defeat Covid-19" with the Cerro Verde Mining Corporation.
Entrepreneurship and Innovation Workshops in Undergraduate
Workshops that train university undergraduate students in entrepreneurship methodologies in innovation with the aim of getting involved in a better way in the world of entrepreneurship.
Organizational chart

- Directors
Efrain Zenteno Bolaños
Jesús Martín Del Carpio Pachecho
Walter Eduardo Chávez Dueñas
- Coordinators
Franco de la Gala
Pablo Cesar Pachecho Postigo