The origin of the UNALM dates back to 1901, when the National School of
Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine (ENAV) was founded. The creation of this
school was based on the studies of a Belgian mission from the University of
Gembloux. Since 1960, this academic institution has been recognized as
Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina (UNALM). Nowadays, the UNALM is a center
of academic excellence, leading the research in agricultural and environmental
The UNALM operational structure asserts the faculties under an academic unity,
leading the research, teaching and operations of social projection. At the same
time, reunites professors, involved in related fields, under a flexible
curriculum system.
Currently, Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina offers twelve (12)
undergraduate majors, and postgraduate programs divided in: seven (7) doctorate
programs and twenty six (26) master programs, aimed at training graduates and
researchers to promote the highest level of scientific knowledge
The UNALM current organization is oriented to strongly support the educational units involved in academic training, research, social responsibility and university outreach. For this purpose, the main objectives are the following:
To educate professionals and scientists in an integrated manner, preserving personal and professional quality, with a strong sense of social responsibility, and contributing to the country's development.
To project all actions and services to the community, in order to contribute to its positive change and improvement.
To conduct and promote scientific, technological and humanistic research, as well as intellectual and artistic creation.
To enforce sustainable human development at local, regional, national and global levels.
To contribute to the improvement of life quality by promoting social and economic development.
To defend and preserve the national ecosystems, renewable and non-renewable natural resources, by promoting their rational use.
To promote food sovereignty and security.

The UNALM is an educational institution specialized in the agricultural, livestock, fishery, food and economic sectors, training of skilled professionals to introduce them as proactive, innovative, and competitive leaders with management skills and social commitment. UNALM creates and applies knowledge obtained from basic and specific research asserting the sustainable development of the country.

The UNALM aims to upgrade the leadership, based on quality teaching-learning, research, expansion and social projection. Additionally, the goal is working with creativity and professionalism to become an important reference in the agricultural, livestock, fishery, food and economic sectors, promoting the management of natural resources and environmental conservation. For this purpose, the UNALM ensures optimal resources and efficient administrative processes.
UNALM Business Incubator Office
- Manager
M.S. Brenda Rosario Costas Sosa
- Coordinator
B.S. Lizeth Andrea Gaspar Paredes
- Functions
- To promote and manage the creation of micro and small enterprises owned by students.
- To provide advice and support the use of the university's equipment and facilities for the development of enterprises by students.
- To manage resources for the investment in business ideas related to the incubator.
- To manage its own income in order to bear the costs of new enterprises.
- To coordinate the participation of UNALM professors as mentors to provide technical and/or business advice.
- To communicate the activities of the incubator and promote the offered services.
- To promote the development of enterprises based on UNALM's R+D+i activities, as well as support the creation of new companies
- To promote agreements related to the incubator’s activities.
- To advise entrepreneurs when accessing national and international funding resources.
- To conduct training workshops for entrepreneurs supported by the incubator.
- To establish relations with national and international institutions.
- Other specific functions delegated by the Head of the Strategic Center for Business Development and Entrepreneurship.
Incubation workshops 2021 I y 2021- II. The application process and workshops are conducted to promote entrepreneurship from the business idea until the reporting sales stage.
Managing the Mentor Network. Incubagraria includes experts who provide advice through personal meetings with entrepreneurs. This program is conducted along the incubator programs.
Organizing STARTUP UNI and 1551, as part of the second Triple Alliance Challenge to promote and accelerate startups with technology and scientific basis at national level.
Organizing the contest Made in Agraria to select the best UNALM scientific and technical innovations and introduce them to the marketplace.
Monitoring 19 startups from the STARTUP 7G, RETO BIO 2019 and KOICA 2020 programs.
Planning conferences related to Incubatalk : Event held by Incubagraria to discuss entrepreneurship, innovation and biodiversity.
Supporting activities carried out by Incubaclub : club of undergraduate students entrepreneurship to promote and strengthen new enterprises at the UNALM.
Planning the operation of Incubalab: laboratory that provides services and support for the creation of prototypes, available to entrepreneurs to enhance the experimentation of business ideas through testing.
Designing a entrepreneurship impact program for external startups that are looking to reinforce their social and environmental strategies by receiving business consultancy.
Designing the Investor Challenge program to engage Incubagraria startups with potential investors.
“Fortalecimiento de la Incubadora de Empresas de la Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina, Incubagraria”. Continuation of the project related to the strengthening of Incubagraria. Sponsored by the program Innovate Perú from the Peruvian Ministry of Production.
“Karin Ecofish 2.0: Asistencia Técnica Especializada en Procesos de Producción de Filetes de Pescado de la Empresa Karin Ecofish, en el Desembarcadero de Pesca Artesanal DPA-en el distrito de Pucusana de la ciudad de Lima”. Continuation of the project Karin Ecofish 2.0 related to Specialized technical assistance for the production of fish fillets in Pucusana - Lima. Conducted by UNALM and Karin Ecofish.
“Proyecto para fortalecer el emprendimiento innovador basado en TICs”. Continuation of the Project conducted by the Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA).
“Acciones estratégicas para el diagnóstico y el desarrollo de capacidades de empresas con modelos de negocios amigable con la biodiversidad”. Implementation of the project N° 81262855 related to Strategies for the diagnosis and development of capacities of bio-friendly business. Conducted by the UNALM and the GIZ Agency.
Directorate of Technology Transfer and Intellectual Property
- Director
Sc.D. Lisveth Flores del Pino de Wright
- Coordinator
M.A. Yenny Eliana Sotomayor Marcelo
- Functions
- To create opportunities, based on industrial property assets, such as patents, for investing in technological innovation.
- To support researchers with the registration of their intellectual property rights.
- To handle: i) drafting confidentiality agreements, ii) negotiating intellectual property rights, iii) drafting contracts (related to labor, academic, research, technology transfer, among others), iv) filing and following-up intellectual property applications before the relevant authorities.
- To encourage, promote and support the registration of intellectual property rights derived from the research carried out by UNALM.
- To ensure the protection of intellectual property rights of internal and external personnel of the UNALM.
- To integrate the following systems: institutional quality management, information and communications, environmental management, comprehensive security, research, business development, entrepreneurship and administration.
- Other specific functions delegated by the Vice Rector of the Research Department.
Training and capacity building workshops related to institutional IP regulations
Handling confidentiality agreements, thesis confidentiality requests, invention declaration forms, evaluation of IP rights protection, formulation of IP protection strategies and procedures.
Coordinating actions with Indecopi, WIPO and other institutions in relation to patents IP matters.
Supporting the Center for Technology and Innovation (CATI) of the UNALM
Reviewing and approving the clauses related to technology transfer and exploitation of joint research results in legal documents.
“Desarrollo de prototipos de productos análogos al queso, sin lactosa ni caseína, en base a fracciones aisladas de proteína de arveja (Pisum sativum)”. Development of prototypes from pea protein for lactose-free products analogous to cheese. Faculty of Food Industry - INNOVATE PERU - 2019.
“Influencia del consumo de ácidos grasos proveniente de tres fuentes dietarias sobre el tejido adiposo en edad temprana”. Studies related to the consumption of fatty acids during childhood. Faculty of Animal Husbandry - FONDECYT - 2019.
“Síntesis de metabolitos secundarios: estatinas y pigmentos naturales a partir de la fermentación de quinua con Monascus purpureus enriquecida con fuentes de nitrógeno y NaCl”. Research on Synthesis of secondary metabolites including statins and natural pigments from quinoa fermentation with Monascus purpureus. Faculty of Food Industry - FONDECYT - 2019.
“Transcriptómica de células de la granulosa y ovocitos durante la foliculogénesis inicial en alpaca y su asociación con la activación folicular”. Studies on transcriptomics of granulosa cells and oocytes during initial folliculogenesis in alpaca and its association with follicular activation. Faculty of Food Industry - FONDECYT - 2019.