

Academy - UNHEVAL


The Hermilio Valdizan Nationality University of Huanuco, created by Law No 14915 of february 21, 1964, has 57 years of institutional life. It has an institutional operating license granted by the National Superintendency of Education - SUNEDU in 2019.

UNHEVAL has a modern infrastructure, which puts it at the level of the best universities in Latin America. In its closiers, a quality education is provided that contributes to the development of the Huánuco and the country through professional academic training, research, social projection, university extension and Postgraduate studies.

UNHEVAL’s mission is to generate and disseminate scientific, technological and humanistic knowledge and provide professional training to students competently with transparency and social responsibility.

The Vice-Rector's office for Research through Directorate of Transfer and Innovation is aligned with one of the strategic objectives of UNHEVAL: Strengthen educational, sciences, technological and humanistic research in the university community; through its strategic actions; development program implemented for students entrepreneurship and effective technological transfer program for society.

The Directorate of Transfer and
Innovation has following functions :

  • Strengthen the capacities of internal staff, so as of the university community to become familiar with the principles of Intellectual Property, Technology Transfer, Entrepreneurship and Innovation.

  • Manage and promote relationships and interactions between the university and society for the joint execution of research, provision of services, advice, among others.

  • Manage the technological offer of the institutions.

  • Participate in the definition of the technological demant and the R & D & I needs of the geographical environment and the region.

  • Promote, disseminate and transfer results of scientific and technological research through the periodic organization of scientific and cultural events.

  • Manage the registration, protection and portfolio of the Institution’s Intellectual Property.

  • Manage the promotion and development entrepreneurial and innovator talent in the university, promoting the creation of new companies that collaborate with sustainable development of our region

Function of the Entrepreneurship and Business Incubator Unit :

  • Encourage and develop entrepreneurial talent in the university, promoting the creation of new companies that contribute to the sustainable development of our region.

  • Provide specialized technical advice for the generation, development and consolidation of companies in innovation and business development.

  • Manage collaboration networks with national and foreing institutions.

  • Find sources of financing and resources management.

Functions of the Technology Offer Unit :

  • Promote and disseminate research results to favor technology transfer from the university to the company and the community.

  • Organize networking activities with members of the innovative ecosystem to strengthen the relationship between the university, government, business and civil society.

  • Organize awareness, training and dissemination activities in innovation and technology transfer to the university scientific community.

  • Develop and manage internships, courses, workshops for teachers, students and members of the entrepreneurship and innovation ecosystem.

  • Advise on the formulation and presentation of innovation projects to internal and external financing funds.

Functions of the Intellectual Property Unit :

  • Manage the protection of the research work through the registration of intellectual property and patents.

  • Provide assistance, training and orientation services on intellectual property to members of the university community, according to an agreement with the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) through the Center of Attention to Technology and Innovation (CATI).

  • Promote the participation of inventive projects in national and international competitions.



Nérida del Carmen Pastrana Díaz

Directorate of Transfer and Innovation

ncpastranad@unheval.edu.pe +51995518492

Gabriela Estefani Tarazona Esparza

Technology Transfer Coordinator

gtarazona@unheval.edu.pe +51971551217

Carlos Manuel Ventura Matos

Business Incubator Coordinator

manu_vm8@hotmail.com +51 943503953